COVID-19 Class Updates
Students should contact their instructor if they are going to miss class due to illness. They will not be required to provide any medical documentation. If a class has a high percentage of students who are ill and/or test positive around the same time, the faculty member, in consultation with their academic dean, the provost, and the medical/public health team, may decide the class should go temporarily virtual.
Students who miss due to illness will be allowed to make up missing assignments upon their return to class. Thus, it is very important that students notify faculty when they are ill and unable to attend class.
The Department of Health has not identified in-person classes or activities in other on campus facilities as a source of any community spread at this time. If the Department of Health feels as though a course or event/program is contributing to community spread, that will be communicated to attendees and further action would be warranted, such as testing and quarantines.
Since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, FSU Facilities has implemented enhanced cleaning and disinfecting procedures in classrooms, common areas, offices and other sites of services. Building Services, the unit responsible for cleaning, is working in five shifts around the clock to meet the need.
All cleaning procedures on campus follow CDC standards and utilize EPA-registered cleaning agents to mitigate the spread of the coronavirus. The chemicals used by FSU Facilities currently use ammonium chloride as the base and contain more than 60 percent isopropyl alcohol.
- Before arriving on campus, students and instructors should complete their Daily Wellness Check on the myFSU application
- Students and instructors are required to wear an appropriate face covering on campus at all times
- Classroom buildings are locked to encourage social distancing, so students and instructors will need to swipe their FSU card for access
- All active classrooms are stocked with either disinfectant wipes or disinfectant spray and towels
- Instructors should disinfect the areas they will use in the classroom
- Students should disinfect their seats and desks when they arrive to class
- Students should follow the acceptable seating arrangements marked in most classrooms
- Eating and drinking will not be allowed in the classrooms