Types of Letters Sent to Faculty by DSST

The Department of Student Support & Transitions (DSST) supports students who are facing a variety of challenges, crises, or stressful situations. Within DSST there are three distinct types of letters which are sent to support students on their academic journey. Each type of letter is unique and brings different implications for its implementation in an academic course. Below is a description of the types of letters that faculty members may receive from students.

Case Management

Case Management Services supports student success by working with individuals to provide emotional support, counseling, advocacy, and assistance in identifying immediate needs. Through on and off campus referrals, as needed case monitoring, and commitment to providing a high level of service case management services enable a student to navigate academic, personal and financial challenges while pursuing their academic and personal goals.

Case Management will provide letters, with appropriate documentation, to support a student after a death in the family, illness, or personal crisis. Letters from case management indicate the type of support that would benefit the student at the time and are requests for consideration and/or flexibility for the student.

The purpose of a letter from Case Management is to validate and verify the existence of an extenuating circumstance. The letter is in no way a request to set aside a fundamental learning objective of the course.

A Case Manager is able to provide clarification of a student’s situation and possible course impact with a faculty member.

Accessibility Services

The Office of Accessibility Services (OAS) provides academic accommodations for students with all types of qualifying disabling conditions.

Students are provided accommodations in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

Florida State University is responsible to ensure that all students, regardless of disability, are provide equal access to demonstrate mastery of academic content.

All students must register and be approved for appropriate accommodations based on the student’s qualifying disabling condition.

Letters of accommodation are specific for each student and each accommodation must be provided for a student in the course.

Letters of accommodation are sent to faculty members electronically based on the student’s request of a letter for the course and the student’s selection of which approved accommodations they deem necessary for that particular course.

Any questions regarding implementation of a student’s accommodations should be directed to the appropriate Accessibility Specialist within OAS.

Victim Advocate Program

The Victim Advocate Program (VAP) provides free, confidential, and compassionate assistance to primary and secondary victims of crime, violence or abuse involving Florida State University students.

VAP is a confidential source and cannot share information about the student’s situation with any other member of the campus community.

A faculty member who receives a letter from the Victim Advocate Program should never ask the student for information or documentation about the situation.

Victimizations often have a severe and long-standing impact on the individual’s life. VAP letters may address the immediate needs of the student and/or needs throughout the term.

Faculty members may consult with the appropriate Victim Advocate for clarification about appropriate supports for the student.

The Department of Student Support & Transitions would like to invite all Academic Departments to request a meeting/presentation on how we can work together to support students. To request a meeting/presentation please email Dr. Shelley Ducatt at sducatt@fsu.edu or call (850) 644-2428.

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