Support Victim Advocacy

Like educational institutions across the country, and departments across campus, Florida State University and the Division of Student Affairs rely on multiple sources of financial support. As a public university, FSU receives the largest part of its support from state appropriations and student tuition and fees. Together, these sources cover about 65 percent of the university’s annual needs. The remaining 35 percent must come from grants and private gifts. Thus, gifts are very important to the university and to the students we serve.

Student Success…Diversity…Health and Wellness…Student Life. Donations to the Division of Student Affairs are essential to continue and improve the work we do preparing students for post-collegiate life. Whether you prefer giving as part of your annual gift, creating an endowment, or through a planned gift, each contribution makes an impact on current and future students at Florida State. You can even designate that you prefer to give directly toward a particular department or program within Student Affairs

Most donors make gifts and pledge payments by check, credit card, automatic bank drafts or even payroll deduction in the case of Florida State University faculty and staff.

To see a list of other giving opportunities in the Division of Student Affairs, please see our website. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our development officer at 850.225.5068.

Thank you for your support of the Victim Advocate Program, the Division of Student Affairs, and Florida State University.

If there are other ways you would like to support our program, please contact us directly at 644.7161.