Welcome FSU!
During the days leading up to the start of the semester, campus comes to life with Welcome FSU, FSU's welcome week. Your student is invited to attend a wide variety of events designed to welcome them and assist with their transition to life in Tallahassee. This is a great opportunity for you to encourage your student to meet new people and explore their new home. Also, remind them about all of the free stuff (apparel, food, coupons, etc.) that they can get at these events!
Popular events during Welcome FSU include the New 'Nole Welcome Pep-Rally, Last Call Before Fall concert, New Student Convocation, Traditions Fest, the Involvement Fair, the Estonko Welcome Mixer, Ask a 'Nole, and First Day Photos.
Welcome FSU activities begin on August 22 and conclude on August 29. All events are free with a valid FSUID. Encourage your student to visit http://welcome.fsu.edu/ for a full list of activities and events taking place.
Need additional information on helping your student get involved, join us for our FSU Chat: Getting Involved on Monday, September 9th. Join us at https://www.facebook.com/events/354173471929397/.
Is your student worried about their first day? Students and staff will be at various locations to ensure students find their way. Look out for Ask a ‘Nole signs on Monday, August 26th and Tuesday, August 27th. New Student & Family Programs will also be taking First Day Photos on Landis Green from 10:00 am – 2:00 pm on both days. Photos will be hosted on https://www.facebook.com/FSUFamilyConnection/.

Welcome FSU schedule for Fall 2019. For more information, visit http://welcome.fsu.edu.