Is Your Student Ready to Wear the Stripes?

For students who have recently been admitted or transferred to Florida State University, they might be extremely familiar with New Student & Family Program’s Orientation Team; several students who adorn garnet and gold striped polos and help facilitate spring and summer Orientation sessions as Orientation Leaders. These students go through an extensive interview process, months of getting to know the team of 40+ students, and leadership workshops and classes in order to be prepared to welcome and lead new students throughout their time at Orientation and beyond.

Our Orientation Team upholds the standards of the Seminole Creed and are a crucial component of the transition process for FSU families and students. Orientation Leaders make campus a welcoming environment and introduce students to the many opportunities available for them. 

Applications for the 2021 Orientation Team open on September 28. In order to be eligible to apply, your student must be a full-time degree-seeking undergraduate student that has already completed 12 credit hours by January of the year they are applying. Applicants must also review the Information Session Overview prior to applying.

As mentioned previously, Orientation Leaders work with the Orientation Team to help facilitate Orientation. Despite any disruptions to the regularly scheduled FSU Orientation, our Orientation Team will continue to perform their duties; Orientation will happen no matter what for incoming students, and incoming students will benefit from the support and guidance from our Orientation Team.

In addition to serving as representatives of the University and assisting new students and families during Orientation, Orientation Leaders are expected to attend monthly team retreats, be available for our Leadership Development Experience course on Mondays and Wednesdays from 8am-11am, and complete their training camp in early May. Orientation Leaders are paid $10 an hour.

It is to be noted that while a decision about how Orientation will be facilitated in Summer 2021 is in the works, all events and courses required by NSFP will be virtual until April 2021.

To learn more information about the Orientation Team and what being an Orientation Leader will look like, your student can join one of NSFP’s Question & Answer Sessions on Facebook and Instagram Live on September 30, October 6, and October 9.

Your student can sign up here to be notified when applications are open. All applications to be an Orientation Leader are due by October 12.

For more information about how to apply to be an Orientation Leader, you visit the ‘Becoming an Orientation Leader’ website here. 

To view our 2020 Orientation Team and teams from previous years, visit the ‘Orientation Leader’ website here. 

Check out this video for a glimpse at what your student can experience as an Orientation Leader: