Preparing for the Spring Semester
Recently, Florida State University has made a few changes to the Spring semester, including enrollment deadlines, spring break, and graduation dates. These changes were made with students’ best interests in mind and we want to make sure you’re updated on what you need to know regarding the upcoming Spring semester.
Enrollment for the Spring 2021 semester began on October 26 and goes until December 4. Many students’ enrollment windows have already opened, but for those who are unsure of when to register for classes, you can learn more by visiting the Spring Enrollment Appointment page on the Registrar’s website. Drop/add will begin at 12:00am EST on January 6 and will end 11:59pm EST on January 11.
When registering for classes, students may notice that the courses this Spring are being offered in various modalities, including in-person/face-to-face (FTF), remote (previously FTF course conducted remotely), Panama City (PC) and Tallahassee Flex (students choose in-person or remote), and online (courses that are usually offered online).
Students should be aware of these different modalities, as it is possible that their Spring 2021 schedule could include courses using different modalities.
The Spring 2021 semester will begin on Wednesday, January 6, 2021. For the first three days of classes (January 6-8), all classes will be taught remotely--including any in person or Flex classes. New Student & Family Programs will continue to host our first day programming such as First Day Photos and Ask a ‘Nole virtually in order to accommodate this change.
All in-person classes and Flex classes that are scheduled on campus will begin meeting on campus the week of January 11. To accommodate those attending classes in person, New Student & Family Programs will also host an in person First Day Photos and Ask a ‘Nole.
In addition to adjusting the start of the Spring 2021 semester, FSU has also canceled Spring Break. As a result of this change, the spring semester will end a week earlier on Friday, April 23, 2021. Spring 2021 Graduation will now be held on April 23 and 24.
To view the new Spring 2021 calendar, you can visit the Spring 2021 Academic Calendar page on the Registrar’s website.