Addressing Mid-Semester Funk: Student Self-Care Tips for the Spring Semester

Towards the end of last year, Florida State University announced that they had adopted a new schedule for the Spring 2021 semester, which included the cancellation of the 2021 Spring Break due to COVID-19. With the cancellation of the week-long break, FSU has opted to end the Spring semester one week earlier than originally planned.

Without this break occurring in the middle of the Spring semester like normal, many students find themselves overwhelmed with Zoom fatigue, academic burnout, and stress regarding looming due dates.

However, just because there isn’t a Spring Break carved out into the academic calendar does not mean that students don’t deserve to rest and take time to recuperate after a long first half of the semester.

750(w)x600(h), preferred ratio 5:4

Spring Fling Week

March 15-20

Club Downunder is providing a much-needed break for students. Featuring the Spring Fling Carnival, a Drive-In Concert, Drive-In Movie, and a special fireworks show, there are tons of in-person options for students to enjoy. For more information, click here.

Making sure your student has time to rest and practice self-care is crucial to ensuring that they are staying physically, mentally, and emotionally healthy. Here are a few ways that students can practice self-care this semester:

Get outside. Vitamin D works wonders when your student is feeling down and out. Getting out and soaking up some sunshine after spending excessive time completing assignments can help your student feel rejuvenated and relaxed. Whether they safely sit out on Landis Green for an afternoon, take a day trip to the FSU Reservation, "the Rez," or sit beside an open window, the fresh air and sunlight will do them good.

Rest up. There’s hardly anything that feels as good as a full eight hours of sleep, especially if your student has been staying up late or getting up early to get in some extra working time. Ensuring that your student takes the time to craft a reasonable sleep schedule during some of their busiest weeks will help them to feel rested and alert, as opposed to feeling groggy and worn out if they’re not getting the right amount of sleep each night.

Make a few phone calls. If your student is feeling a little defeated from the semester so far, taking the time out of their day to connect with family and friends is a great break from schoolwork. Whether they call to talk through their emotions about college life or as a way of taking a break from focusing on school, taking five minutes or an hour to talk with family members and friends is a great way to reset and refocus.

Eat balanced meals. It is crucial for students to eat meals that are nutritious and mindful, especially if they find themselves busier than normal. Skipping breakfast, lunch, or dinner and depriving themselves of snacks for the sake of studying is not something your student should feel like they have to do. Students should also avoid drinking excessive amounts of coffee, energy drinks, or sodas as a means of staying awake or replacing a meal altogether. Eating intuitively and taking the time to have a meal or a snack whenever your student is hungry will keep their bodies running and feeling good.

Do something they love. When all else fails, encourage your student to take the time to do something they love. This will look different for each student, but scheduling some time to take a break from schoolwork and studying will do them good. Whether your student opts to hit the gym, take a bubble bath, read a book, take a nap, or something else, they will most likely return to their studying feeling more encouraged and rested.

750(w)x600(h), preferred ratio 5:4

Spring Break on the Lake

march 25-28

Campus Rec is putting the break back in Spring Break. Starting Thursday March 25th and running through Sunday March 28th, this 4-day event will feature 'smores, food trucks, live music, slacklining, kayaking, disc golf, yoga classes, the climbing wall, challenges courses, archery tag, and SO. MUCH. MORE. Come out from 1-4 pm each day to unwind from the stress of classes and enjoy crafts, games, music, and food with your friends! For more information about Spring Break at the Lake you can check out our website