Withdrawals and Readmission

Returning students who withdrew from the University and have been absent for three or more consecutive terms, (including summer) must submit an application for readmission to the Readmissions’ section of the Office of Admissions. This application must be submitted at least 60 days prior to the beginning of the term for which readmission is desired. (Consult the Directory of Classes for specific application deadlines.)

Readmission After Multiple Withdrawals

When a student has withdrawn from the University three (3) or more times, subsequent readmission will be considered by the Multiple Withdrawals (MWDC@fsu.edu) Committee whose charge is to assess the students’ capability of making satisfactory progress toward degree. This committee, appointed by the Council of Associate and Assistant Deans, will make a recommendation to the dean of the student’s college who will make a final decision.

Readmitted former students are subject to retention requirements in effect at the time of re-entrance. Students claiming classification as Florida residents must also re-establish their eligibility for this classification when applying for readmission.

The University reserves the right to refuse readmission to any student who has an unsatisfactory academic, conduct, or health record. Students who are denied readmission to the university may appeal that decision by filing a written petition with the appropriate academic dean’s office.