News & Announcements

OAS Fall 2021 News & Information

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Engage 100: OAS Seminoles Excelling Academically  Thursdays 3:30 - 4:30 PM at the OAS

The popular course is back!

Engage 100: OAS Seminoles Excelling Academically

Thursdays 3:30 - 4:30 PM at the OAS

  • Build relationships with faculty, staff, and peers
  • Learn how to manage time and organize assignments
  • Explore campus resources
  • Connect with internship and employment opportunities!

To enroll: Search IDS 1107 in the schedule assistant then filter for the section that says "OAS Seminoles Excelling Academically"


Personal Responsibility is THE best way for us to prevent the spread of COVID-19. 

So… where to start? Do your part!

  1. Wash/sanitize your hands after touching commonly used shared surfaces or items such as door knobs/handles, books, pens/pencils…  
  2. Use your own pen/pencil to sign documents, press buttons when making in store purchases with a card, on ATMs, vending machines, elevators, gas stations…
  3. Use your face masks! Especially when sharing the sidewalks with other people coming & going!
  4. Maintain Social Distancing… even while wearing your face masks. 
  5. Elbow bumps are the new “handshake.” 

Testing Tips, Hints ‘n Help:

  1. Make a study schedule and stick with it!
  2. Decreasing essential sleep time to cram in more study time is counter-productive. It impairs your memory and ability to focus better.