Episode 05: Pride Month 2021 Roundtable Discussion
In celebration and recognition of Pride Month 2021, the Access FSU podcast team decided to invite a couple of guests for a round-table discussion about LGBTQ+ issues, the queer community, LGBTQ+ people with disabilities, representation, and self-perception. Beth Thompson from the Sexual Health Coordinator in the Center for Health Advocacy and Wellness (CHAW) returns as a guest on the show and is joined by the OAS's own Carla Larriviere Rosas to talk with hosts KimBoo York and Shannon Bernick about their own experiences, opinions, and insights into what it means to live in the intersection of identities.
Available as video with captions on YouTube: https://youtu.be/VlQFH4W2vIw
[Transcript to be uploaded]
Resources for this podcast:
Movement Advancement Project infographic
Imani Barbarin
Spencer West
Jessica Kellgren-Fozard
Further reading suggestions:
Audre Lorde
Nyle DiMarco
Episode 04: Finding the ME in Social Media
Social Media and social network in the modern era are ubiquitous — on our computers, our tablets, our phones, and even the physical environment around us in the shape of "smart" devices. Sometimes it is hard to remember that social media is just one tool we can use to live happier, more productive lives, while also not realizing the hidden costs that can come with it in the form of distraction, demotivation, and even depression. Shannon explores the latest research on social media use among college students and presents healthy ways to manage social media use long term, while KimBoo puts a lens over what's behind attempts by social media giants like Facebook and Twitter to monopolize your time.
Available as a video with captions on YouTube: https://youtu.be/HuDZaexwzy4
List of mindfulness apps and social media usage management apps
Social Media and Mental Health
Mental Health Benefits of Exercise
[transcripts to be posted]
Episode 03: Take Time to Make Time (Time Management)
Shannon and KimBoo discuss time management, and how to use basic, easy tools and concepts to get ahead and stay on top of all your academic and life.
Available as a video with captions on YouTube: https://youtu.be/le8hWzTEYuw
Episode 02: Gender, Sexual Health, and Disability
This episode, hosts KimBoo York and Shannon Bernick interview two important figures at Florida State University on the intersectionality of gender and disability in regards to sexual health: Sarah Lull Castillo is the director of the Victim's Advocacy Program (VAP); and Beth Thompson is the sexual health coordinator with the Center for Health and Wellness (CHAW) at Florida State.
Issues discussed in this episode include how disabilities can affect sexual and intimate relations with others, how to develop healthy communications with your partners, the importance of consent, and what resources are available for students across all spectrums of gender, sexuality, and disability.
Available as a video with captions on YouTube: https://youtu.be/KLOSUoEgoBE
Resources mentioned in this podcast:
Center for Health Advocacy and Wellness (CHAW)
Website: https://chaw.fsu.edu/
Phone: (850) 644-8871
Victim's Advocacy Program
Website: https://dsst.fsu.edu/vap
Phone: (850) 644-7161
24 text line: (850) 756-4320
FSU Counseling Center
Website: https://counseling.fsu.edu/
Phone: (850) 644-8255
FSU Women's Clinic at UHS
Website: https://uhs.fsu.edu/health-care/clinical-services/womens-clinic
Phone: (850) 644-4567
FSU University Health Services
Website: https://uhs.fsu.edu/
Episode 01: Introduction
In this first episode, Shannon and KimBoo discuss why we started this podcast and what we hope listeners will gain from subscribing to it. We also discuss the history of the OAS at Florida State and ask each other a few "getting to know you" questions. If you are curious about your hosts and what the future holds for this podcast, please listen in!
Available as a video with captions on YouTube: https://youtu.be/XGi_hfSmNRE