E-Newsletter Article

Important Dates - April 2021


April 7 - Take It Easy with the Art Center (every Wednesday)
April 7 - FSU Homecoming: Odds & Evens with IM Sports
April 7 - Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program Information Session
April 7 - FSU Homecoming: Jackbox Royalty: A Night with Homecoming Court
April 8 - FSU Homecoming: Seminole Festival
April 8 - Education & Library Virtual Career Fair
April 9 - FSU Homecoming: Homecoming Live Pre-Show and Homecoming Live
April 9 - Homecoming. No classes after 12:00 pm
April 10 - FSU Football Spring Game

Class Registration is Here: Is Your Student Ready to Register for Classes?

It’s that time of the semester: class registration. Starting March 8, Florida State University students are able to view the Summer and Fall 2021 Registration Guides and search Summer/Fall 2021 course listings through myFSU. On March 15, registration for Summer and Fall 2021 begins and is staggered based on credit hours throughout the rest of the Spring semester. 

Spring Graduation 2021

At the end of February, Florida State University announced that it will hold in-person Commencement ceremonies for its Spring 2021 graduates. In efforts to facilitate ceremonies that are COVID-19 conscious, FSU will hold 11 smaller Commencement ceremonies in order to provide a safe environment for all students, faculty and staff, and guests.

Addressing Mid-Semester Funk: Student Self-Care Tips for the Spring Semester

Towards the end of last year, Florida State University announced that they had adopted a new schedule for the Spring 2021 semester, which included the cancellation of the 2021 Spring Break due to COVID-19. With the cancellation of the week-long break, FSU has opted to end the Spring semester one week earlier than originally planned.

Without this break occurring in the middle of the Spring semester like normal, many students find themselves overwhelmed with Zoom fatigue, academic burnout, and stress regarding looming due dates.

Important Dates - March 2021


March 10 - Women’s History Month: Jeopardy!
March 10 - FSU's Great Give
March 10 - TikTok Festival
March 15 - Registration for Summer and Fall 2021 begins
March 15 - Meditation Mondays (every Monday)
March 15 - Spring Fling Week: Carnival
March 16 - Spring Fling Week: Explore Tallahassee
March 16 - Women’s History Month: Let’s Talk Activism
March 17 - Spring Fling Week: Sweat & Sweets
March 17 - Spring Fling Week: St. Paddy's Day Handout
March 18 - Spring Fling Week: Light Up the Night (event + fireworks show)

Important Dates

December 16 - Grades available online
December 19 - FSU Football vs. Wake Forest, away
December 19 - FSU Men’s Basketball vs. UCF, home
December 20-January 4 - University Closed
December 21 - FSU Men’s Basketball vs. Gardener-Webb, home
December 29 - FSU Men’s Basketball vs. Clemson, away

Preparing for Spring Semester

Recently, Florida State University has made a few changes to the Spring semester, including enrollment deadlines, spring break, and graduation dates. These changes were made with students’ best interests in mind and we want to make sure you’re updated on what you need to know regarding the upcoming Spring semester.

Enrollment for the Spring 2021 semester began on October 26 and was extended until December 9. Drop/add will begin at 12:00am EST on January 6 and will end 11:59pm EST on January 11.

Holiday Gift Ideas for Your 'Nole

Gift cards. It may come as no surprise, but gift cards can be considered one of the most practical and useful gifts for college students. Families can purchase gift cards for on-campus food establishments or off-campus food establishments for their students to use once they return to their residence hall or apartment. FSU families can give students gift cards to places such as Chick-Fil-A, 4 Rivers BBQ, Starbucks, Madison Social, RedEye Coffee, and more.

Preparing for Spring 2021: University Housing Updates

As students begin to arrive back on campus in the spring for classes, new and returning students planning to live in FSU residence halls have some important information to look over prior to their move-in. 

Move-in begins on January 4 at 5 p.m. All new and returning students must sign up for a spring move-in time. Move-in appointments will begin Monday, January 4 through Tuesday, January 19.