Applying for Services

Application Instructions:

OAS Registration Quick Guide PDF

  1. Once a student is admitted to Florida State University, they may register with the Office of Accessibility Services (OAS) for disability-related accommodations. Students with disabilities must go through the standard admissions process.
  2. To begin the online OAS application, you will need a valid FSUID and password.
  3. Complete the online application for services and attach sufficient medical documentation before submitting it. If you need a hardcopy of the application or you would like to provide hardcopies of your documentation, please contact OAS at or at (850) 644-9566

  4. Once the application is reviewed, the student will be sent an email at their FSU student email address informing them to set up an appointment for an intake meeting. Intake meetings may be conducted over Zoom or in person, and the student is required to be present.
  5. During the student’s intake meeting with their Accessibility Specialist, an interactive process will occur to determine which academic and other campus accommodations are applicable based on the student’s disability-related needs.
  6. You may apply for services at any time during the semester; however, any accommodations will not be effective until after you complete an intake with an OAS Accessibility Specialist and send your faculty notification letters.
  7. If your intake meeting with your Accessibility Specialist occurs within the last 10 class days of the semester, your accommodation plan will be effective for the following semester.
  8. Please note that accommodations are not retroactive and are implemented only on a go-forward basis, meaning that academic modifications apply only from the point the course instructor receives the faculty notification letter.